Kara Berke, DVM, DACVS-SA
Kara Berke, DVM, DACVS-SA
When not helping her patients, Dr. Berke likes to travel, ski, and spend time with friends and family (usually eating)!
She shares her home with two beautiful dogs - Landen and Dilly.
Education / Experience
2023-Present Surgeon - Charleston Veterinary Referral Center
2017-2023 Clinical Assistant Profession Small Animal Surgery - Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Manhattan, KS
2014-2017 Residency in Small Animal Surgery - California Veterinary Specialists, Carlsbad, CA
2012-2013 Internship in Small Animal Surgery - California Veterinary Specialists, Carlsbad, CA
2011-2012 Internship in Small Animal Medicine & Surgery - Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital, Akron, OH
2007-2011 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine - The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbus, OH
2003-2007 Bachelor of Science - The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Kapaldo N, McMurphy R, Hodgson D, Roush J, Berke K, Klocke E. Laryngeal function in normal dogs administered isoflurane following partial clearance of alfaxalone or propofol. Vet Anaesth Analg. 2021 Jul;48(4):493-500. doi: 10.1016/j.vaa.2021.03.009. Epub 2021 Apr 1.
KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Rankin DC, Upchurch DA, Comroe A, Crauer B, Berke K, Klocke EE, Gonzalez SE, Mason D, Jensen G, Orchard R, Fitzgerald AH, Cho P, Komp M. Perioperative analgesia associated with oral administration of a novel methadone-fluconazole-naltrexone formulation in dogs undergoing routine ovariohysterectomy. Am J Vet Res. 2020 Sep;81(9):699-707. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.81.9.699.
Keane S., Cassel N., Berke KA, An unusual presentation of a migrating grass awn in a dog and a review of the imaging modalities used to diagnose and determine the extent of disease. Vet Rec Case Rep. 2021;9:e76.https://doi.org/10.1002/vrc2.76
Wilkes SE, Biller DS, Ross ES, Berke KA, Thomason JD. What Is Your Diagnosis?. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2019;255(10):1113-1115.
Berke K, KuKanich B, Orchard R et al. Clinical and pharmacokinetic interactions between oral fluconazole and intravenous ketamine and midazolam in dogs, Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaa.2019.06.007
Turner HS, Berke K, Biller DS, Schneider SM. Rectal Duplication Cyst in a Cat: A Case Report and Literature Review. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine. Vol 74 (2) June 2019. 71 - 76.
Browning G, Eshar D, Tucker-Mohl K, Berke K. Diagnosis and surgical repair of a chronic ruptured cervical air sac in a double yellow-headed Amazon parrot (Amazona ochrocephala oratrix). Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. 2018.
Huckins G, Carpenter J, Dias S, Turner H, Berke K, Sweeley K. What Is Your Dianosis? Combination Sliding and Paraesophageal Hiatal Hernia in a Tiger (Panthera tigris)? JAVMA
Anselmi C, Chen K, Turner H, Biller D, Berke K, Cassel N, What is your diagnosis? Emphysematous hepatitis and torsion in a canine. JAVMA
Rooney T, Gardhouse S, Berke K, Cassel N, Walsh T, Eshar D. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of a primary splenic torsion in a domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo). JAVMA 5
Kapaldo N, McMurphy R, Hodgson D, Roush JK, Berke K, Klocke E Assessment of laryngeal function in normal dogs administered isoflurane following partial clearance of alfaxalone or propofol. Vet. Anaest Analgesia. Submitted August 2020. Accepted March 2021.
KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Berke K, Klocke E, Upchurch D, Crauer RB, Comroe A, Jugan M, Mason D, Jensen G, Orchard R, Decker K, Bieberly Z, Klutzke J, Fitzgerald A, Woodruff K. Clinical Efficacy of a Long-Acting Injectable Opioid in Perioperative Acute Pain in Dogs. Pain in Animals Workshop (PAWS). National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD. October, 2019.
Fitzgerald A, KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Rankin D Upchurch D, Comroe A, Crauer RB, Berke K, Klocke E, Gonzalez S, Mason D, Orchard R, Jensen G, Cho P, Komp M. A Clinical Model of Perioperative Acute Pain in Dogs. Pain in Animals Workshop (PAWS). National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD. October, 2019.
Fitzgerald A, KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Rankin D Upchurch D, Comroe A, Crauer RB, Berke K, Klocke E, Gonzalez S, Mason D, Orchard R, Jensen G, Cho P, Komp M. Clinical Efficacy of an Oral Long-Acting Analgesic with a Human Abuse Deterrent in Perioperative Dogs. American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Biennial Symposium. Kansas City KS. August, 2019.
Orchard R, KuKanich B, Rankin D, Berke, K. Clinical Interactions between Oral Fluconazole and Intravenous Ketamine & Midazolam. American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Biennial Symposium. Kansas City KS. August, 2019.
Bieberly Z, KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Berke K, Klocke E, Upchurch D, Crauer RB, Comroe A, Jugan M, Mason D, Jensen G, Orchard R, Decker K, Klutzke J, Fitzgerald A, Woodruff K. Long acting injectable methadone for post-operative analgesia. Boehringer Ingelheim National Veterinary Scholars Symposium. Tufts University, Worcester, MA. July 2019.
KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Rankin D, Upchurch D, Comroe A, Crauer RB, Berke K, Klocke E, Gonzalez S, Mason D, Orchard R, Jensen G, Fitzgerald A, Cho P, Komp M. Clinical Efficacy of an Oral Long-Acting Analgesic with a Human Abuse Deterrent in Perioperative Dogs. American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Forum. Phoenix AZ. June, 2019.
KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Rankin D, Upchurch DA, Comroe A, Crauer RB, Berke KA, Klocke EE, Gonzalez SE, Mason DE, Jensen GL, Orchard RJ, Cho PW, Fitzgerald AH, Komp MS. Clinical Efficacy of an Oral Long-Acting Analgesic with a Human Abuse Deterrent in Perioperative Dogs (Poster). American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Kansas City, KS August, 2019.
KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Rankin D, Upchurch DA, Comroe A, Crauer RB, Berke KA, Klocke EE, Gonzalez SE, Mason DE, Jensen GL, Orchard RJ, Cho PW, Fitzgerald AH, Komp MS. Clinical Efficacy of an Oral Long-Acting Analgesic with a Human Abuse Deterrent in Perioperative Dogs (poster). Phi Zeta Day, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS (third place award)
KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Rankin D, Upchurch DA, Comroe A, Crauer RB, Berke KA, Klocke EE, Gonzalez SE, Mason DE, Jensen GL, Orchard RJ, Cho PW, Fitzgerald AH, Komp MS. Clinical Efficacy of an Oral Long-Acting Analgesic with a Human Abuse Deterrent in Perioperative Dogs (poster). BugaPalooza, Manhattan, KS (first place award).
KuKanich B, KuKanich K, Rankin D, Mason D, Upchurch D, Berke K, Klocke E, Comroe A, Crauer B. Evaluation of an oral methadone formulation for perioperative analgesia in ovariohysterectomy (OHE/spay) dogs. IACUC protocol #4106 – approved June, 2018 American Veterinary Medical Foundation $25,000
McMurphy RM, Higginbotham ML, Roush JK, Renberg W, Berke KA. Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Cytokine Profile in Anesthetized Dogs. Department of Clinical Sciences Research Proposal, $5000.
Upchurch DA, Aldrich L, Renberg W, Roush J, Berke, KA: Masked, randomized, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy of bupivacaine liposomal suspension using static body weight distribution and subjective pain scoring in dogs undergoing TPLO surgery. AVMF Veterinary Pharmacology Research Foundation, $ 23,355.
McMurphy RM, Higginbotham ML, Roush JK, Renberg W, Berke KA. Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Cytokine Profile in Anesthetized Dogs. Mark Derrick Canine Research Proposal, $9000.