

Thank you so much for your assistance with Jill.  She was 19 years old and her time had come. Everyone’s compassion so helpful during this difficult time.


Larry M.

Dear Dr. Rissetto,

I want to start with a big warm thank-you..You are incredible..What a tremendous asset you are to your team and facility..

Thank-you so very much for your wonderful patience with me and helping me decide on surgery for Abbey..It saved her life and I am so grateful..

Sorry it has taken so long to write..I will recommend you and Charleston Veterinary Referral Center to everyone...I can not name all the wonderful people

I came across in my trips to your facility especially all of those at the front desk..Please thank everyone and those I know are Dr.Au,Dr.Torres,Rachael-assisted me with

Abbey the day you and I met and Jen-a Dr.’s assistant who I met on departure day and when the staples were removed 2 weeks later-great friendly woman...

Thank-you all very much but mainly Thank-You..!! You helped me go thru with the procedure and now I am so happy for how well Abbey is doing...Thank-you again..


Jeff & Abbey

Dear Dr. Rissetto, Suzanne, Sadie & CVRC:

For a year and a half we fought a valiant battle to keep Put as I called her most with us. Unfortunately she lost the battle recently. The card I received from the staff with the love and messages showed just how invested they were in her as I was. She touched theirs hearts and lives just as she touched mine with her tenacious attitude. She was just that kind of cat. I can not thank you all enough for the love and care you gave her so I could have more time with her.


Louann & Lilly

Dear Dr. Rissetto & CVRC:

Just a update on Bootsie.  I don't think we ever mentioned that Boots loves to be brushed.  She will sit and make sure you hit every spot.  Well needless to say she hasn't wanted to be brushed for almost 3 months now.  Starting on Wednesday she has been getting us to brush her at least 2 times a day.

Another milestone she has accomplished this week is the cat pole that we bought her.  It has a kinda like bowl on top.  She would lay in there for hours and just be happy, you know how she likes to chill!!  Well again for about 4 months she hasn't been able to climb up (and it's really not high, maybe 3 feet tall) we came home Thursday and found Boots in her bowl and just looking out the window.  She has seen been in there 2 other times this weekend.

Two major come backs for her.  We have you to thank for this.   It gives up hope and after that review on Tuesday it really makes us say YAY!!.

Once again Thank You Dr. Rissetto.  You and your staff are giving us back our Boots.



Dear CVRC:

Remington came into CVRC on deaths door. He was in ICU for 10 days!

He had 3 surgeries, 14 transfusions, and probably every other thing they offer. He was bleeding from his intestines due to too many steroids given for fast heart worm kill treatment and he still had hookworms that were eating through his intestines causing the bleeding. No one could figure out the problem. But CVRC did! They answered all of my annoying phone calls and never sounded annoyed that I was calling up to 10 times a day. They were very honest with prognosis. I knew if he had a chance it was there. after his 5th day there when all hope was fading...CVRC changed the game and Remington started pulling through. He has been home for 5 days now....and not only do I have my big boy back...He is now acting like his normal self. They have even called to check on him several times since he has been home. They were so thrilled to see my baby pull through they acted as if he were their own.

Thank you CVRC for doing what no one else could do and loving and caring for my big boy like he were your own. I will be forever grateful for you for keeping our family together.



Dr. Rissetto and staff,

What can I say but so many, many thank yous to you and your staff. You are one of the kindest most compassionate people I have ever met. I have never seen you without a smile on your face even though I know you deal with happy results as with Brandy but not so happy in others.

When Brandy was diagnosed we were to go to another place. My daughter told Melissa and she immediately said go to Dr Rissetto as she is loving and caring and you can communicate with her when you need her. And she was so correct in that. You always responded when I needed you and you did it quickly. You have always been there for Brandy and me as if we were the only patient that you had.

I also cannot say enough about your hospital. It is like one big happy family with the great staff who are responsive and always pleasant and willing to help. When I visit your hospital it is so heartwarming to see the many people who go the extra mile with their animal because of their love for them. It is very obvious you and your staff love animals and are dedicated to giving them and their family a happy outcome.

Again my words just cannot convey to you how much you and staff have meant to me. Even though this has been a serious situation it has been pleasant in so many ways. I know that whatever the future holds for Brandy you will be there for us both.

My very sincere thanks and also our love for all you have done. Through life our lives cross with many individuals, some good and some not so good. But crossing your path has been a blessing and one I am glad I got to cross. You are a super and very special young lady and doctor of course!

I would ask that you pass this letter to your "boss" as I want them to know what a valuable and wonderful doctor they have in their hospital. When people do good things their superior should know!


Much love, Susan and Brandy